题目:Infinite quantum permutations
报告人:Christian Voigt(英国格拉斯哥大学)
Zoom会议:会议号:882 8540 7533,会议密码:028422
会议链接: https://zoom.us/j/88285407533?pwd=NFlsWlZlb2F3c3VmMHBqOXVud1NpQT09
摘要:In this talk I will discuss an approach to study quantum symmetries of infinite sets and graphs. This leads to discrete quantum groups, in analogy to the quantum symmetry groups of Wang and Banica/Bichon. For finite sets and graphs, the resulting quantum groups can in fact be viewed as discretisations of the former (compact) quantum groups. I will discuss a number of examples, and highlight some intriguing open problems as well.