题目: Geometry and Integers
报告: Caucher Birkar (Tsinghua University)
摘要: In this talk we will discuss some recent interesting connections between properties of sets of non-negative integers with different kinds of geometries. Starting with a primitive integer vector, we examine certain associated functions and relate the setting to statements in convex, toric, and birational geometries.
地点:GeWu Building 201
报告人简介: Caucher Birkar,菲尔茨奖得主,英国皇家学会院士,清华大学丘成桐数学中心教授。Birkar教授主要从事代数几何中双有理几何领域的研究,于2010年获英国Leverhulme奖,2016年获美国数学会Moore研究论文奖。因其对法诺代数簇有界性的证明,以及对于极小模型纲领的贡献,Birkar教授于2018年获得了数学界最高奖项——菲尔茨奖。