Title: Length Spectrum Rigidity
Speaker: Renxing Wan
This talk will be divided into two parts. In the first part, we recall some basic material in GGT, including marked length spectrum, contracting subsets, admissible path, and Extension Lemma. We also show how to use the Extension Lemma to get a simultaneously contracting element for two group actions with contracting property.
In the second part, we prove that if the two actions have the same marked length spectrum, then the orbit map G.x --> G.y must be a rough isometry. In addition, we prove a finer marked length spectrum rigidity from confined subgroups and further, geometrically dense subgroups.
Our proof is based on the Extension Lemma and uses purely elementary metric geometry. This is joint work with Xiaoyu Xu and Wenyuan Yang.
Time: September 24th Tuesday 10 am, and September 27 Friday 10 am (China Standard Time).
Zoom ID: 989 8689 0777 (Password: 864691)
Link: https://zoom.us/j/98986890777?pwd=bqbSH2abTPwqkzbDNr6E7YoH77gzXI.1
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