











Working Group on Functional Inequalities in Quantum Spin Systems

Organizers: Li Gao (Wuhan University), Qiang Zeng (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and local organizers.

Abstract: This ia an intensive series of working seminars, where we will discuss the recent progress on noncommutative functional inequalities, especially log-Sobolev inequalities and Poincaré inequalities, and their applications on quantum spin systems. The program consists of three parts:

I. Noncommutative functional inequalities 

II. Classical and quantum spin systems

III. Recent progress on functional inequalities on quantum spin systems

The presentations in the working seminars will be primarily given by volunteer junior participants, directed by the organizers as well as other top experts in the field. 

August 4 - 9 TBA 

August 3, 9:00-12:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 23

Quantum spin systems

Speaker:Lingxuan WU(吴凌轩), Central South University

August 1, 14:00-17:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 33

Glauber dynamics

Speaker:Qiang ZENG(曾强), Chinese Academy of Sciences

July 30, 14:00-17:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 23

Classical spin systems

Speaker:Fan CHANG(常帆), Nankai University

July 28, 14:00-17:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 24

Related topics on noncommutative Poincaré and Log-Sobolev inequalities

Speaker:Li GAO(高力), Wuhan University

July 26, 14:00-17:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 31

Noncommutative Poincaré inequality and Log-Sobolev inequalities

Speaker:Sijie LUO(罗思捷), Central South University

July 24, 14:00-17:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 33

July 22, 14:00-17:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 24

July 19, 10:30-12:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 24

Noncommutative Lp-spaces, quantum Markov semigroup and quantum relative entropy

Speakers:Hongsen QIU(邱泓森)、Zhixuan LIU(刘至烜), Harbin Institute of Technology

July 19, 9:00-10:30, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 24

July 18, 9:00-12:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 24

Log-Sobolev inequalities and related properties

Speaker:Gan YAO(姚淦), Harbin Institute of Technology

July 16, 14:00-17:00, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 24

Markov semigroups and Poincaré inequalities

Speaker:Liang WANG(王亮), Wuhan University

Concentration day: young researchers on noncommutative analysis

July 31,Zhengxin Building 正心楼 23

◆ 9:00-12:00

Schatten properties of Calderon-Zygmund singular integral commutator on stratified Lie groups

Fulin YANG(杨福林),Harbin Institute of Technology

Sharp constants in several inequalities on H-type groups 

Yaojun WANG(王耀军),Fudan University

Proper cocycles, measure equivalence and Lp-Fourier multipliers

Gan YAO(姚淦),Harbin Institute of Technology

Stochastic theta methods for free stochastic differential equations 

Jiaxin WEI(危嘉欣),Central South University

◆ 14:00-17:40

Interpolation of weak Orlicz types and the strong maximal in von Neumann algebras

Jorge PÉREZ GARCÍA,Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

Maximal inequalities for noncommutative lacunary discrete spherical averages 

Qi SUN(孙奇),Central South University

Modulated (C,α)-ergodic theorems in noncommutative Lp-spaces

Xin ZHANG(张鑫),Wuhan University

Lunar monoid and the self-absorption property of its Hankel system 

Lijun WANG(王李俊),Wuhan University

The nonlinear estimates on quantum Besov space 

Deyu CHEN(陈德宇),Harbin Institute of Technology

Research talks

July 20, 15:30-16:30, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 21

Uncertainty principle, unique continuation and control

Shanlin HUANG(黄山林),Huazhong University of Science and Technology


July 17, 16:30-17:30, Zhengxin Building 正心楼 24

An extension of Hilbert transform to hyperbolic groups

Tao MEI(梅韬),Baylor University


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