Roland Speicher——A dual and a conjugate system for q-Gaussians for all q


题目:A dual and a conjugate system for q-Gaussians for all q

报告人:Roland Speicher(萨尔大学)



Zoom会议:会议号824 7045 6491,会议密码:123399链接:

摘要:q-Gaussian random variables, for some fixed real with , are of the form , where the  are operators satisfying the q-relations . Understanding the properties of the non-commutative distributions of those deformations of classical multivariate Gaussian distributions as well as their associated operator algebras -- in particular, whether and how they depend on q -- has been of central interest in the last 30 years. I will give an introduction and survey on those q-relations and in particular report also some recent progress (from joint work with A. Miyagawa) on the existence of dual systems and conjugate systems for the q-Gaussians. Special focus is on the fact that those results are for the whole interval (-1,+1), and not just for some restricted set of q.

A dual and a conjugate system for q-Gaussians for all q.pdf


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