In this noncommutative harmonic analysis day, we have invited 5 young experts who are working in the noncommutative subjects to report their recent important and interesting progress.
Wednesday August 7
Mingde Building 201 (明德楼201)
10.00 - 10.45 Xingxing Yao/Linear combinations of composition operators on spaces of Dirichlet series
10.50 - 11.35 Guangheng Xie/Rosenthal's inequalities: $\Delta-$norms and quasi-Banach symmetric
sequence spaces
14.30 - 15.15 Xumin Wang/Pointwise convergence of noncommutative Fourier series
15.20 - 16.05 Bang Xu/Noncommutative weak (1,1) type estimate for a square function from ergodic theory
16.10 - 16.55 Wei Liu/Vector-valued inequalities for square functions
18.00 DinnerXi Yuan Restaurant
Program: Program.pdf