Time: 31 July, 2018. Place: 432 Zhengxin Building, IASM
8:30--9:30, James A. Mingo, Queen's University at Kingston
The Role of the Transpose in Free Probability: the partial transpose of R-cyclic operators
9:30--9:45 Tea Break
9:45--10:45, Roland Speicher, Universität des Saarlandes
Regularity properties of non-commutative matrices and rational functions: the absence of zero divisors
10:50--11:50, Sheng Yin, Universität des Saarlandes
Regularity properties of non-commutative matrices and rational functions: Atiyah properties
14:00--14:40, Turdebek N. Bekjan, Xinjiang University
Interpolation of Haagerup noncommutative Hardy spaces
14:40--15:30, Yong Jiao, Central South University
Noncommutative good-$\lambda$ inequalities
15:30--15:45, Tea Break
15:45--16:25, Dimitry Zanin, University of New South Wales
Noncommutative Poisson process with applications to Banach space geometry
16:25--17:05, Zhi Yin, Harbin Institute of Techonlogy
PPT square conjecture holds generically for some classes of independent states
Abstract: Abstract.pdf