Mathematical & Physical Aspects of Information Sciences


Release time:2017-12-11Views:1680

Mathmatical & Physical Aspects of Information Sciences

Time: January 5-7, 2018

Place: Room 522, Gewu Building

Organizers: Ke Li(18345046199)Zhi Yin(13545108360)

Invited Speakers

Zeqian Chen (Wuhan Insitute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Chuanfeng Li (University of Science and Technology of China)

Shunlong Luo (Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)      

Daowen Qiu (SUN YAT-SEN University)

Junde Wu (Zhejiang University)

Peng Xue (Southeast University)


Slides:Zeqian Chen--量子系统的拓扑和几何.pdf  Chuanfeng Li--量子纠缠网络研究进展.pdf  Shunlong Luo--Quantifying Coherence via Quantum Uncertainty.pdf  Junde Wu--Quantum Networks and mathematics problems.pdf Peng Xue--Non-Unitary quantum walks with single photons.pdf Daowen Qiu--Characteriztion of symmetric partial Boolean functions and time-space complexity of quantum computing.pdf

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