We are excited to announce the upcoming conference 'Hyperbolicity and Generalizations' to be held at the Harbin Institute of Technology, China. The conference will include several plenary talks, two minicourses, and dynamic lightning talks. In addition to these sessions, there will be ample opportunities for networking and discussion.
Plenary speakers: § Penelope Azuelos § Inhyeok Choi § Koji Fujiwara § Radhika Gupta § Mark Hagen § Biao Ma § Yulan Qing § Kasra Rafi § Michah Sageev § Alex Sisto § Giulio Tiozzo § Renxing Wan § Wenyuan Yang | Minicourse speakers: § Harry Petyt § Eduardo Reyes
Organisers: § Macarena Arenas § Didac Martinez-Granado § Davide Spriano § Abdul Zalloum § Simeng Wang