题目: 数学中分类问题的复杂度
报告人: 高速(南开大学)
摘要: 在众多数学分支中,数学对象的分类问题往往具有核心的地位。直观上,有些分类问题比较简单,有些则非常复杂。在这个报告中我们通过一些实例来介绍一个可以严格探讨数学中分类问题的相对复杂性的数学理论,即等价关系的描述集合论。我们将展示如何将这一理论应用到数学分类问题的研究中去。
报告人简介: Su Gao is University Chair Professor at Nankai University. He received his M.S. at the Chern Institute at Nankai University (1992), and his doctoral degree at California Institute of Technology (1998). Before 2021, he served at the University of North Texas successively as Regents Professor, Chair of the Department of Mathematics, and Founding Dean of College of Science.
His main research interests lie in mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics. He has made achievements in topological groups, symbolic and topological dynamical systems, ergodic theory, as well as major breakthroughs in descriptive set theory.
His works appear in Inventions Mathematicae, Advances in Mathematics, Memoirs AMS, and Transactions AMS and authoritative journals in logic such as Journal of Symbolic Logic, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, and Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.
He is editorial board member for Chinese Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Chinese Dictionary of Mathematics, Science China Mathematics, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, and Mathematical Logic Quarterly.
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