题目:An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem withrandomconductance
地点:Zoom会议,会议号:876 0592 8254,会议密码: 2023
摘要:The Dirichlet problem with oscillating coefficients requires a lot ofcalculation resources in general. We present a new algorithm invented by SArmstrong, A. Hannukainen, T. Kuusi, J-C. Mourrat to solve this problemquickly in the context of random conductance. This result makes use of thequantitative homogenization theory and the algorithm can also be generalized tothe percolation cluster setting.
报告人简介:顾陈琳现为清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心助理教授,他本科毕业于复旦大学,博士毕业于巴黎高等师范学院,师从Jean-Christophe Mourrat。他主要从事概率论和偏微分方程研究,重点关注定量均匀化理论、随机环境下的随机游动、粒子系统等方面。