Quantum Groupoids as Quantum Symmetries


题目:Quantum Groupoids as Quantum Symmetries

报告人:Frank Taipe (Université Paris-Saclay)




地点:Zoom会议,会议号:846 0988 3042会议密码:221837


摘要:A quantum groupoid is a mathematical structure that generalizes a groupoid and a quantum group at the same time. In this talk, I will present the motivations and the state of the art of the theory of quantum groupoids from the point of view of operator algebras. First, I will discuss the motivations behind the interest in the study of quantum groupoids, then I will present a brief overview of the current theory of quantum groupoids. If time permits, I will explain how quantum groupoids arise from inclusions of von Neumann algebras following a procedure à la Galois.

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