Title:Some problems from scattering theory
Speaker:Xiaohua Yao (Central China Normal University)
Time: Thursday, May9, 2024, 16:00-17:00
Venue: Mingde Building B201-1
In this talk, I will first review some classical results of scattering theory for Schrodinger operator ,including limiting absorption principle, generalized eigenfunction expansions and the existence of wave operators in the context of
. These concepts/operators also have similar
counterparts or
estimates related with harmonic analysis, including uniform Sobolev estimates of resolvent,
bounds of wave operators and so on. Finally, we also address some related
-works associated with higher order Schrodinger operators
. These are adjoint-works with Haruya Mizutani and Zijun Wan.
| 尧小华,华中师范大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师, 2010年入选教育部新世纪人才计划。 主要从事调和分析与 微分算子的研究,在色散方程、 微分算子及函数空间等方 向上开展研究工作;主要学术成果发表在“Comm. Math. Phys.”、 “Trans. AMS”、 “Inter. Math. Res. Notices”、“J. Functional Analysis”、“Comm. Partial Differential equation” 等国际重要数学期刊上;连续主持多项国家自然科学基金 面上项目,也曾主持教育部科学技术研究重点项目及新世 纪优秀人才计划等多个科研项目;作为核心成员参与了华 中师范大学教育部创新团队(偏微分方程)建设。
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