Title:Bijections in weakly increasing trees via binary trees
Speaker:Yang Li(Shandong University)
Time:2024.11.26 ,15:30-16:30
Location: B201-1, Mingde Building
Abstract:As a unification of increasing trees and plane trees, the weakly increasing trees labeled by a multiset was introduced by Lin-Ma-Ma-Zhou in 2021. Motived by some symmetries in plane trees proved recently by Dong, Du, Ji and Zhang, we construct four bijections on weakly increasing trees in the same flavor via switching the role of left child and right child of some specified nodes in their corresponding binary trees. Consequently, bijective proofs of the aforementioned symmetries found by Dong et al. and a non-recursive construction of a bijection on plane trees of Deutsch are provided. Applications of some symmetries in weakly increasing trees to permutation patterns and statistics will also be discussed.
More information: Graduate Student Seminar