Fundamental groups of curves and local moduli

Release time:2024-09-30Views:21

Title: Fundamental groups of curves and local moduli

Speaker: 阳煜 (京都大学数理解析研究所)


In 1996, A. Tamagawa discovered a surprising phenomenon: anabelian geometry also exists for curves over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p>0 (i.e., curves in positive characteristic can possibly be determined by their geometric fundamental groups without relying on Galois actions). However, after 28 years, only a few results have emerged in this field. In this talk, I want to explain the following insight of the speaker about fundamental groups of curves in positive characteristic: 

The (admissible or geometric log etale) fundamental groups of pointed stable curves over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p can be regarded as an analogue of local moduli spaces of the curves. 

This observation led to the speaker discovering some new kinds of anabelian phenomena of curves in characteristic p and to formulated numerious new conjectures. For example, the following highly non-trivial anbelian results of the speaker provide strong evidence supporting this insight:

• The homeomorphism conjecture holds for 1-dimensional moduli spaces (roughly speaking, this conjecture means that the moduli spaces of curves can be reconstructed group-theoretically as topological spaces).

• A new proof of Mochizuki’s famous result concerning (Isom-version) Grothendieck’s anabelian conjecture for curves over sub-p-adic fields without using Faltings’ p-adic Hodge theory.

• The group-theoretical specialization conjecture holds (roughly speaking, this conjecture means that the topological and group-theoretical degeneration of curves can be completely determined by open continuous homomorphisms of dmissible fundamental groups).

Time: 10月09日,14:30-16:00

Location: Mingde Building B201-2

ZOOM Online: 592 203 0941

Password: 7Zj4xf

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