An improvement on Gauss's Circle Problem and Dirichlet's Divisor Problem

Release time:2023-12-15Views:12


Title: An improvement on Gauss's Circle Problem and Dirichlet's Divisor Problem

Speaker: Xuerui Yang (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Time: Wednesday, December20, 2023, 14:30-16:00

VenueMingde Building B201-1

Zoom ID: 995 9561 4888, Password: 461559

Abstract: Using Bombieri-Iwaniec method, we establish an improvement on both Gauss's Circle Problem and Dirichlet's Divisor Problem. More precisely, we derive a new estimate for the first spacing problem and combine it with Huxley's results on the second spacing problem. In this talk, I will talk about several methods to deal with exponential sums on the integer ring, with focus on the Bombieri-Iwaniec method. After that, I will talk about several results in decoupling theory as well as some rough ideas in the proofs.

More information about the Analysis Seminar can be found here.


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