A Wireless Communication MODEM using Artificial Intelligence Methods

Release time:2023-09-25Views:50

TitleA Wireless Communication MODEM using Artificial Intelligence Methods

Speaker:Ruhui ZhangSingapore University of Technology and Design

Time:Wednesday, September27, 2023, 14:00-15:00

Location:Mingde Building B201-1

AbstractThe conventional system consists of several processing blocks, each block for certain functions. However, this design of block-by-block pipelines is considered sub-optimal. This paper proposes an AI/ML-based wireless communication system with end-to-end optimization, which breaks conventional pipelines. This AI-based system can achieve performance gains, especially for complex wireless channels. Besides, the proposed AI-based system is resilient to signal detection, and the system is adaptive for various communication channels even for the nondifferentiable or unknown channel.

About the speker:张茹慧老师现为新加坡科技与设计大学(SUTD)博士后。博士就读于台湾清华大学资讯科学系,致力于网络科学和无线网络通讯研究。目前研究领域包括:社群网络、基于AI的无线网络通讯系统等。

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