Lp-unconditional partitions of free group von Neumann algebras

Release time:2023-08-15Views:72

Title:Lp-unconditional partitions of free group von Neumann algebras

Speaker:Tao Mei(Baylor University)

Time:Thursday, August17, 2023, 10:45-11:45

Location:Mingde Building B201-2

Abstract:Let Fn,2 ≤ n ≤ ∞, be the non-abelian free group of n-free generators, and be the subsets of F(i) consisting of reduced words starting with the i-th generator.  The partition Fn = ∪1≤i≤nFn(i) ∪{e} implies the well-known nonameanablility of Fn. In a recent joint work with E. Ricard, we show that this partition is unconditional with respect to the noncommutative Lp-norm.This implies that the group von Neumann algebra of F∞ admits a Lp-unconditional partition with infinitely many components that satisfy a geometrical paradoxical property. It is a mystery whether the group von Neumann algebra of F2 ( or Fn for any finite n) admits such a partition. In this talk, I wish to introduce recent progress in this direction. Part of the talk is based on joint works with Z. Liu, E.Ricard, Q. Xu, and S. Yin.

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