Infinite Ostrowski expansions and Sturmian Words

Release time:2023-06-06Views:196

TitleInfinite Ostrowski expansions and Sturmian Words

Speaker: Caïus WojcikHarbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen

Time:Tuesday, June 1315:45-16:45

Location: Mingde Building,B201-1

Abstract: No prerequisites on combinatorics on infinite words and numeration systems is required for this talk. The denominators of continued fractions expansions of real numbers give rise to the Ostrowski numeration system. Similarly defined as p-adic numbers, the infinite expansions in this numeration system provide a bijective description of Sturmian words, the non-ultimately periodic words with lowest complexity. This bijection allows us to obtain factorisation formulas for Sturmian words, and to understand some operations on these infinite expansions.

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