Repeated emergence of 4/3-exponent

Release time:2023-05-30Views:215

Title: Repeated emergence of 4/3-exponent


Speaker: Pr. Jian DingPeking University

Time:Friday, June 2, 2023, 14:30-15:30

Location: Zoom ID:876 0592 8254, Password:2023 

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe the emergence of the 4/3-exponent in two seem-ingly unrelated models: random distance of Liouville quantum gravity and correlation length for the two-dimensional random field Ising model. I will then explain that such 4/3-exponent, while being unexpected among respective communities even from a physics perspective, has in fact been hinted in Leighton-Shor(1989) and Talagrand (2014) where the 4/3-exponent emerges in a random matching problem Finally, I will present the heuristic computation which leads tothe emergence of the 4/3-exponent. Based on a joint work with Subhajit Goswami and a joint work with Mateo Wirth.



Jian Ding is Chair Professor at Peking University. His main research area isin probability theory, with focus on interactions with statistical physics andheoretical computer science. He also has a broad interest in probability questionsthat arise from application-onented problems. Before joining PKU, he has beena postdoc at Stanford and a faculty member at University of Chicago as well asUniversity of Pennsylvania, after his UC Berkeley in 2011.

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