Vanishing dissipation of the 2D Boussinesq equations in the upper half plane

Release time:2023-04-04Views:307

TitleVanishing dissipation of the 2D Boussinesq equations in the upper half plane

Speaker: Xiaojing XuBeijing Normal University

Time:Monday, April 10,  15:00-17:00

Location:Tencent Meeting, Meeting ID:795 341 860, Password:9049

AbstractIn this talkI shall introduce the convergence of the solutions to 2D Boussinesq equations with some kinds of full anisotropic dissipation toward that of the Boussinesq equations without dissipation in the upper half plane. Particularly, we deal with the difficulties from boundary layers on both the velocity and the temperature, which shows that vertical dissipation rapidly approaching zero will cause the the vanishing of the boundary layer on both velocity and temperature fields in L2 norm. In addition, we obtain the exact convergence rate of the vanishing dissipation limit.

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