Marcinkiewicz interpolation for non-commutative maximal norms

Release time:2022-11-15Views:492

Title:Marcinkiewicz interpolation for non-commutative maximal norms


Speakers:Léonard Cadilhac(Institut Mathématique de Jussieu, Sorbonne Université)


Time:Wednesday,  November 30, 2022, 16:00-17:30.


Online  access:Zoom  Meeting ID:882 8540 7533,  Password:028422


Abstract:In a landmark paper published in 2007, M. Junge and Q. Xu made significant contributions to noncommutative ergodic theory and in particular furthered our understanding of non-commutative maximal norms. One of their key results is a Marcinkiewicz-type interpolation theorem for those norms, for which they provide a long and technical proof. I will present recent work in collaboration with E. Ricard, where we revisit this theorem, providing a more compact proof and improving on the statement. The talk will first discuss non-commutative maximal norms and briefly introduce interpolation, then detail the main ideas and result, and finally present its more technical variants as well as some of the challenges ahead.


More  information about the Functional Analysis Seminar can be found here.


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