Uniform Sobolev estimates on Euclidian space and compact manifolds with some applications

Release time:2022-10-21Views:498

Title: Uniform Sobolev estimates on Euclidian space and compact manifolds with some applications 

Speaker:  Xiaohua Yao (Central China Normal University)


Time: Thursday,  Octobor 27, 2022. 16:00-18:00.  

Location: B201-2, Mingde Building

Tencent meeting , Meeting ID: 639 584 244   

AbstractIn this talk, I will review some results of uniform Sobolev estimates for the Laplace operator on Euclidian space and compact manifolds, which also were extended to the cases with potentials and higher order operator. Meanwhile, I also mention some applications related to the inequalities.

More information about the Harmonic Analysis Seminar can be found here.

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