Title: Integrability in random matrix theory and its applications
Speaker: Vladimir Al. Osipov (Faculty of Sciences, Holon Institute of Technology)
Time: Wednesday, August 31, 2022, 16:00-17:30 (UTC+8).
Online access: Zoom Meeting ID: 882 8540 7533 , Password: 028422,
Link: https://zoom.us/j/88285407533?pwd=NFlsWlZlb2F3c3VmMHBqOXVud1NpQT09
Abstract:Random matrices are widely used to model quantum systems with chaos and disorder. In such models, the observable is expressed as a quantum operator averaged over an ensemble of random matrices with a given probability measure. In my talk, I demonstrate a general approach, “the random matrix integrable theory”, to the nonperturbative calculation of the random-matrix integrals. With this approach, the internal symmetries of the integration measure, expressed in terms of highly non-trivial nonlinear relations for the original integral (the Toda lattice hierarchy, the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy) and the relations following from the deformation of the integration measure (Virasoro constraints), are used to represent the integral as a solution of differential equations, where the differentials are taken over the internal (physical) parameters of the model [1,2]. This method represents a particular implementation of results obtained within a more general theory of τ -functions. In particular, the central theorem of this theory states the existence of the Toda lattice and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchies for the typical random-matrix integrals.The particular implementation of the integrable theory will be discussed in the example of the physical problem of quantum transport in chaotic cavities [3,4]. A brief introduction to the physics of the problem and the advantage of the integrable theory method for calculation of the conductance cumulants, and of the shot-noise-conductance joint cumulants are going to be presented. In particular, we demonstrate how the conductance cumulant generation function can be expressed in terms of the solution of the Painleve V transcendent equation. In addition, the results of the integrable theory implementation to the averaged random-matrix characteristic polynomials [1], and also for the problem of the power spectrum of the eigenlevel sequences in the quantum chaotic system [2,5] will be discussed.
Integrability in random matrix theory and its applications.pdf
More information about the Functional Analysis Seminar can be found here.