Kangwei Li——UMD-valued extension of multilinear singular integrals

Release time:2021-12-28Views:767

TitleUMD-valued extension of multilinear singular integrals

Speaker:Kangwei Li (Tianjin University)

Time16:00-17:00, December3 

LocationTecent Meeting, Tecent Meeting ID: 960 167 002, Password: 123456

AbstractIn this talk, I will present our recent progress on the boundedness of UMD-valued extension of multilinear singular integrals. I will mainly focus on the bilinear setting, in which case we obtain the boundedness with minimal assumption on the product structure of the tuple of UMD spaces. As a direct corollary we get the boundedness of bilinear singular integrals on non-commutative $L^p$ spaces. Moreover, we also get the Leibniz rules in the UMD-valued setting. This talk is based on the recent joint work with Francesco Di Plinio, Henri Martikainen and Emil Vuorinen.

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