Tao Mei——Lacunary Fourier Series—Old and new stories

Release time:2021-12-27Views:818

Title: Lacunary Fourier Series—Old and new stories

Speaker: Tao Mei (Baylor University,  USA)

Time: 20:30-21:30, October17

Location: Zoom, Zoom Meeting ID:916 1841 9254, Password: 123456

Abstract: The Lacunary Fourier Series  is a well-studied subject with several interesting properties in the classical analysis.  In this talk, I will first review these properties, especially the unconditionality of Lacunary series in the Lp spaces of the unit disc. I will then  explain an open question on the unconditionality of length-lacunary Fourier series on free group C* algebras and discuss the related problems and results.  Part of the talk is based on joint works with Chianyeong  Chuah, Yazhou Han and Zhenchuan  Liu.

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