Yujia Zhai——A Singular Integral Estimate of Brascamp-Lieb Type

Release time:2021-12-22Views:747

Title: A Singular Integral Estimate of Brascamp-Lieb Type

Speaker: Yujia Zhai (University of Nantes)

Time: 16:00-17:00, August19

Location: Tecent Meeting, Tecent Meeting ID: 159 114 456

Abstract: A five-linear singular integral of Brascamp-Lieb type and non-Holder scaling will be introduced. A brief overview on the development of multilinear singular integral operator theory will be provided. I will then discuss the novelty and challenge of the study for the five-linear singular integral operator. This is joint work with Camil Muscalu.

Slides: A Singular Integral Estimate of Brascamp-Lieb Type.pdf

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