Chunhe Xiong——Characterizing quantum correlation with the correlated part of partial coherence

Release time:2021-12-21Views:738

Title: Characterizing quantum correlation with the correlated part of partial coherence

Speaker: Chunhe Xiong(Sun Yat-sen University)

Time: 10:30-11:30, December14 

Location: Room 201, Ming De Building

Abstract: One of the fundamental features of the quantum world that distinguishes it from the classical counterpart is the existence of quantum correlations. Quantum correlation is also a kind of resource that enables many quantum information processing schemes go beyond classical, such as quantum cryptography, quantum dense coding and quantum algorithm. In this talk, we will discuss quantum correlation from the point view of coherence theory. We will introduce a new quantum correlation that is relatively easy to deal with mathematically, thus facilitating some qualitative analysis of some physical phenomenon. An example will be given at last to illustrate this point.

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