Sazhenkov S. A.——Homogenization of the compressible Navier—Stokes equations with rapidly oscillating densities

Release time:2021-12-21Views:737

Title: Homogenization of the compressible Navier—Stokes equations with rapidly oscillating densities

Speaker: Sazhenkov S. A. (Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia, and Novosibirsk State University)

Time: 15:00-16:00, November14

Location: Room 201Ming De Building

Abstract: The talk is devoted to recent progress in homogenization theory for the Navier—Stokes equations of compressible gas provided with rapidly oscillating boundary distributions of density. For the classical three-dimensional isentropic Navier—Stokes equations, the homogenized effective model is derived as the frequency of oscillations tends to infinity. To this end, an additional equation called `kinetic equation’ is constructed in order to track evolution of oscillations. These results are due to the speaker, Prof. P. I. Plotnikov and Prof. J. Sokolowski (2011—2016).

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