Quansheng Sheng——Some recent progress on large deviations for sums of independent random variables and martingales

Release time:2021-12-21Views:714

Title: Some recent progress on large deviations for sums of independent random variables and martingales

Speaker: Quansheng Sheng    Univ. Bretagne –Sud  (South Brittany)

Time: 15:00-16:00, August4

Location: Room 201Ming De Building

Abstract: In this talk  I will present some results on  large deviations or concentration inequalities  for sums of independent random variables and martingales,  that we obtained recently.  Particular attention will be paid on an improvement of Talagrand’s inequality (1995) about the missing factor in Hoeffding’s inequality on sums of independent random variables.  In the case of martingales, Hoeffding’s inequality and Cramér’s moderate deviation expansion, as well as sub-exponential and polynomial deviation rates, will be considered.  (Based on joint papers with Xiequan Fan, Ion Grama and Qiman Shao.)

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