Serguei Kisliakov——Indicator functions with large gaps in the spectrum

Release time:2021-12-20Views:714

Title: Indicator functions with large gaps in the spectrum

Speaker: Serguei Kisliakov (Steklov Mathematical Institute St.Petersburg, Russia)

Time: 16:00-17:00, April 29

Location: Room 201, Ming De Building

Abstract: It will be shown that for every set E of finte measure on the real line there is a set F with the same measure and very large gaps in the spectrum such that the measure of the symmetric difference of E and F is as small as we wish. This is a generalization of a recent result by Nazarov and Olevskii, which claimed the same but without a correction ingredient. A short survey of related results about possible and impossible violations of the uncertainty principle will also be given.


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