Yanping Chen——Some boundedness for Calderon type commutators with rough kernels

Release time:2021-12-20Views:737

TitleSome boundedness for Calderon type commutators with rough kernels

SpeakerYanping Chen (University of Science and Technology Beijing)


Time10:00-11:00, June27

LocationRoom 201Ming De Building

AbstractThe main purpose of this talk is two-fold. Firstly, I will discuss that sufficient condition for the commutator with fractional differentiation and new characterizations of BMO-Sobolev spaces, and necessary condition for the commutator with fractional differentiation. At the same time, the theory can be applied to the Hilbert and Riesz transforms. Moreover, I will also introduce that boundedness for the commutator with fractional differentiation for second-order elliptic operators. Finally, I will give the gradient estimates for commutators of square roots of elliptic operators with complex bounded measurable coefficients.

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