Fengyou Sun ——Stochastic properties of wireless channels

Release time:2021-12-20Views:772

Title: Stochastic properties of wireless channels

Speaker: Fengyou Sun (Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Time: 16:00-17:00, June20

Location: Room 201, Ming De Building

Abstract: In the physical world, the system components or states are probabilistically related to each other spatially and temporally. This kind of relation is termed the stochastic dependence. In this talk, I present a dependence control theory, which is concerned with transforming the dependence structure of the stochastic processes in the system through dependence manipulation in order to improve the system performance, e.g., the backlog and delay of a queueing system. As regards the application to wireless communication, the tail property of the wireless channel capacity and the scalability of the wireless network are also presented. In addition, the extension to the quantum scenario is discussed.

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