Ivan Todorov——Nankai University

Release time:2021-12-20Views:717

TitleZero-error quantum information

SpeakerIvan TodorovNankai University

Time09:30-10:30, April 25

LocationRoom 201, Ming De Building

AbstractThe problem of information transmission with zero error was first studied by Shannon, who defined the zero-error capacity of a classical information channel in terms of the independence number of a graph, canonically associated with the channel. This gave rise to fruitful interactions between Graph Theory and Information Theory and led to the introduction of informationally inspired graph parameters such as the Lovasz number. Analogous developments have been taking place in Quantum Information Theory in the past few years. The current fruitful approach in the quantum case involves methods from Functional Analysis and in particular operator systems, studied in Operator Algebra Theory since the 1960’s. In this talk, I  will discuss these developments and some open questions faced by the area at present.


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