Tusheng Zhang——Global solutions to stochastic reaction-diffusion equations with super-linear drift and multiplicative noise

Release time:2019-04-09Views:747

TitleGlobal solutions to stochastic reaction-diffusion equations with super-linear drift and multiplicative noise

Speaker: Tusheng Zhang (The University of Manchester)

Time: 10:30-11:30, April 9

LocationRoom 201, Ming De Building

Abstract: Consider stochastic reaction-diffusion equations driven by multiplicative space-time white noise. When the noise disappears, it is well known that such PDEs with superlinear frequently have non-trivial stationary solutions. By contrast, Bonder and Groisman  have recently shown that there is finite-time blowup when there is appearance of noise. In this paper, we prove that the Bonder--Groisman condition is unimproveable. We present two essentially-different ways of approaches without altering the conclusions of our assertions.

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